Wright History

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Behind the scenes at Wrightington Towers

Ideally, I'd have liked to do this before the start of the current term, but alas that wasn't possible (see here: https://www.wrighthistory.uk/news-bits-and-pieces/new-term-ahoy). But we're back now, and thoroughly enjoying getting into this term!

Gustav Klimt, Birch Forest (1903)

Image here from: https://portlandartmuseum.org/8230-2/

We've just about decided what Robert will be offering in the autumn term (I know... I'm sorry... We're not wishing the summer away before it's even started, I promise!), and we'll keep you posted on that in due course. But for now, quickly back to spring…!

David Hockney, No. 241 (23rd April 2020)

Image here from: https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/exhibition/david-hockney

We're also reviewing the website and what we might be able to do with Wright History. As those of you who were with Robert BL (Before Lockdown) will know, we've moved into very new territories since June with regard to online courses and since September with regard to websites and admin! And as those of you who have joined us over the last ten months may have gathered, there's been a steep learning curve on much of that!

You, saying lovely things about Robert’s courses and this website, and sharing super recommendations

aka Boccaccio, Decameron, tr. Laurent de Premierfait (mid C15), f.001r

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Douce 213: https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/abf539db-6a16-4a69-bc16-9edea59c7cde/

We've got lots of ideas for the website, on which I'll be working over the next few weeks. We're completely overwhelmed by the response to what we've posted thus far. Thank you so much to everyone who has responded via emails, website comments, and chatting in classes! We hope to continue and develop this side of things for as long as it's possible and is of interest to you.

One of the really fun elements is all of the super historical and cultural recommendations many of you have been making along the way. Alas we don’t currently have time or the wherewithal to explore all of them with a view to including them in a Bits and Pieces post, and consequently said recommendations end up being confined to one class, even though they are likely to be of interest to many more of you.

Socially-distanced sharing of recommendations

aka Viridarius' dream. Enthroned King and two queens talk in a garden, Evrart de Trémaugon, Somnium Viridarii (mid C15), f.001r

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 338: https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/f2022a12-41db-40ee-978b-daace244de41/

To rectify that, I’ve been exploring ways of building a space here for you to share recommendations/responses/whatever you fancy - a kind of members’ area. Unfortunately the best ones I’ve found thus far all cost more than we can afford just now, so I’ve set up a cheapo Heath Robinson version to see whether it might be of use and/or interest to you. If you come across anything which is relevant to any course - past, present, or future - or, indeed, which is not necessarily directly relevant but will be of interest to anyone who’s intellectually lively and interested in such things (i.e. other Denizens of Wright History, natch), do please consider sharing details here: As recommended by you.

James Gillray, The life of William Cobbett -- written by himself. No 7 (1809)

Oxford, Bodleian Library Curzon b.11(17): https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/ebecbe55-0b3d-474b-bce7-8dccd648c1f1/

Finally, as we’ve almost finished week one of this term, it’s been simply lovely to catch up with Wright History alumni and to meet those of you who are embarking on Robert’s courses for the first time. Here’s to a full and enjoyable term! Cheers!!