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A History of York (Hartrigg Oaks)


Nathan Drake, The New Terrace Walk, York (1756)

York, York Art Gallery

Image here from:


UPDATE (12/01/22)

Please note that due to Covid requirements at Hartrigg Oaks, this course is now to be delivered via zoom. Please note also the new time, as a result of WEA zoom channel requirements. WEA should have contacted all registered learners with full details by now.

York is one of the oldest cities in England and truly reflects 2000 years of English history. The city has within its streets and walls a vast heritage of living culture, largely unspoilt. For much of its history, York has justified its proud boast to be “the Second City of England” for it has often played a central role in English history. In fact it has at many times performed the role of a “capital”, whether political, economic, cultural, military, or religious.

A History of York will recreate the exciting epochs and the memorable phases in the city’s life, by which it has been transformed from northern capital of the Roman Empire to its present status as tourist capital. It sees the past through the buildings that remain to distinguish the city today as well as the big personalities who have left their mark on the city’s history.

10 weeks, Monday 17 January - Monday 28 March (incl., with half-term break on 21 February)

Please note that this is a WEA course, and can only be booked directly with the WEA. For further details and booking, please follow this link.

8 January

Art Deco

17 January

Early Medieval Art and Architecture (freelance)