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Essentially, our Terms and Conditions boil down to this:

We trust that you are all lovely people who won’t mess us around,

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This underpins everything we do, both on this website and at every point of contact we have with you,

and we can’t imagine that there could be any problem which can’t be sorted with the mutual goodwill of decent lovely people.


But a Woman Friday’s gotta do what a Woman Friday’s gotta do…

James Gillray, The heroic Charlotte la Cordé, upon her trial, at the bar of the revolutionary tribunal of Paris, July 17, 1793 (July 29, 1793)London, British Museum, Asset number 46627001Image from:

James Gillray, The heroic Charlotte la Cordé, upon her trial, at the bar of the revolutionary tribunal of Paris, July 17, 1793 (July 29, 1793)

London, British Museum, Asset number 46627001

Image from:


…so… Our full Terms of Service and Privacy and Cookies Policy are here and here, respectively. But you now already know what they effectively say.

NB No correlation between the views, intentions, or actions of Charlotte la Cordé and those of any representative of Wright History

is to be inferred from our use of the above illustration.