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Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Diptych of Stilicho and family, C4 9/10Monza (Italy), Museo e Tesoro del Duomo di Monza 

Rome didn’t fall in a day. In many ways, it was falling from the start. From the third to the fifth centuries, a brutal military culture contended with barbarians, Christians, and most of all itself. And yet those years also witnessed transformations of art, culture, and religious identities which would shape ages to come.


  1. Barracks Emperors

  2. The Early Gothic Wars

  3. The Three Empires

  4. Diocletian and the Tetrarchy

  5. Cults from the East

  6. Constantine the Great

  7. The Barbarian Invasions

  8. Aetius and Atilla

  9. The Last Emperors in the West

  10. Successor States 

RJW F212209 Online freelance course (via Zoom) 

10 weeks, Tuesday 18 January - Tuesday 29 March (incl., with half-term break on 22 February)

£80 (individual registration); £120 (for two people sharing one screen). To register, please complete this form.

17 January

Early Medieval Art and Architecture (freelance)

18 January

The Impressionists (WEA online)