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The Royal Painters


Anthony van Dyck, Charles I in Three Positions, 1635-6

Windsor, UK, Windsor Castle, Royal Collection Trust RCIN 404420:


Over the years, many artistic geniuses have had the distinction of being styled painter to the king or queen. The tradition was born in the renaissance, and truly flourished in the age of absolutism which followed.

To whet your appetite for the pageantry of Charles III’s imminent coronation, why not find out how some of his direct ancestors and distant cousins were portrayed? We’ll see royalty through the eyes of such luminaries as the Clouets, Holbein, Valasquez, and van Dyck.

Join us for a tour of regal splendour!

RJW F2301 Online freelance course (via Zoom)

A 5-hour short course, delivered via 2 x 2½-hour sessions on consecutive Saturdays (Saturday 1 April & Saturday 8 April, 10.30-1.00).

£40 (individual registration); £72 (for two people sharing one screen).

8 March

Persia's Golden Age

25 April

Medieval Monasticism: Abbeys and Priories in the north of England