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The Wanderers: The beauty of Russian Realism

Moonlight on the Daryal Gorge

Arkhip Kuindzhi, Daryal Gorge, 1890-1895

Moscow, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Ж-1424

Image here from:


Explore with us the work of a remarkable group of nineteenth-century Russian artists – Peredvizhniki: The Wanderers.

These graduates of Russia’s fine arts schools were radicals, and many of them socialists. They used Russia’s expanding rail network to take their art out into the provinces to towns far removed from the culture of Moscow and Petersburg.  

At the heart of their work is Russia herself. Her history, her people, and above all, her landscape. Prepare to be dazzled – you’ve never seen Realism like this!

RJW F2432 Online (via Zoom)

A 5-hour short course, delivered via 2 x 2½-hour sessions on consecutive Wednesdays (Wednesday 16 & Wednesday 23 October, 10.30-1.00).

£40 (individual registration); £72 (for two people sharing one screen).

5 October

The Indian Rebellion

2 November

The Hittites: Lost empire of the ancient world