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The Valley of the Kings


Tomb of Sety I (KV17), Valley of the Kings, Thebes, C13 BC

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On the west bank of the Nile, facing the ancient capital Thebes, stands a valley of tombs. The tombs of pharaohs and their most powerful nobles. It is possibly the greatest necropolis in the world. For almost 500 years, ruler followed ruler into this hillside, accompanied by dazzling treasures and surrounded by the most sublime art.

We shall explore the history of the valley and its denizens ( ! ), marvelling at the greatest masterpieces and piecing together their meaning.

RJW F2318 Online freelance course (via Zoom)

A 5-hour short course, delivered via 2 x 2½-hour sessions on consecutive Saturdays (Saturday 7 October & Saturday 14 October, 10.30-1.00.

£40 (individual registration); £72 (for two people sharing one screen).

6 October

The Viking Age (Pickering)

10 October

Wicked Women