Aaaand they’re up!

Reliquary arm, French, C12½, 75:1949, St Louis Art Museum, St Louis, MI; here from, 06.11.21

Robert’s WEA courses for next term are now available for members' priority booking - hurrah!

NB In order to access the courses on the WEA website, you’ll need your membership number.

Booking for non-members opens at 9.00am on Monday 21st June.

For full course details and links to booking for both WEA and freelance courses, please see our Current Courses page by clicking this link. From here, you’ll be able to click on specific courses (you’ll need to scroll down past this term’s courses).

A note to those who have joined our mailing list this term. Over the months, many have told us that navigating WEA’s website to book courses was somewhere between frustrating and impossible. To help on that front, I put together a ‘how-to’ guide. If this might be useful for you, please click this link.

For convenience’s sake, voila a full list of Robert’s current schedule for September:

Mondays 10.00, Bishopthorpe: Age of Improvement: Industry and society 1750 - 1900 (C3679669); 20/09/2021-29/11/2021

Mondays 19.15, online: Age of Rococo: History, art, and culture in the 18th century (C3679659); 20/09/2021-29/11/2021

Tuesdays 11.45, online: Imperial Rome: From Augustus to Severus (C3679667); 21/09/2021-30/11/2021

Wednesdays 14.00, Wigginton: Age of Improvement: Industry and society 1750 - 1900 (C3679673); 22/09/2021-1/12/2021

Wednesdays 19.15: Art Nouveau (RJW F212201); 22/09/2021-1/12/2021

Thursdays 14.15: Thieves, Scholars, and Dilettanti: The birth of archaeology (RJW F212202); 23/09/21-2/12/21

Fridays 10.00, Pickering: Age of Baroque: Art, history, and culture in the 17th century (C3679674); 24/09/2021-03/12/2021

Let booking commence!!


Romani ite nostrum domum*


Your wish is our command…!