By popular demand… new courses!

I hope that you’re all having a super summer, and managing to catch up on time with friends/family/outings/the world (delete as applicable).

wish list gif.gif

I’m happy to say that our first freelance online taster course was so enthusiastically received that we scheduled another one. And in the light of requests arising from my recent email about that, we’ve decided to schedule another. That’s right - not one, but two (count ‘em: TWO) chances to a have brief "fix" of Wright History before the start of term proper!

And as if that weren’t enough, I’m also delighted to report that we’ve had our request for another WEA bricks-and-mortar day school confirmed, and it’s now available for booking!*

*[A quick reminder that all WEA courses need to be booked with WEA. We have no input on that side of things other than scheduling the courses. This might be a timely point at which to draw your attention to this post, in case you have trouble navigating the WEA website for booking…]

So without further ado, voila (click on the course titles to go to the relevant course pages)…

Nathan Drake, The New Terrace Walk, York (1756)York, York Art GalleryImage here from:


Saturdays 28 August & 4 September, 10.00-12.30

Online via zoom. 

Peter Behrens, The Kiss (1898)Sydney, Art Gallery of New South WalesImage here from:

Byzantium (Pickering) day school

Saturday, 30 October, 10:00-15:00

In Actual Real Life, via WEA

Edit [21.10.21]: Alas, WEA has now cancelled this course. All enrolled should have been contacted by WEA

And finally, as advertised in my email of last week, voila a reminder of The Ottomans, which starts online this coming Saturday (14 August). There’s still time to book if you’ve not yet got round to it!

Pietro Fabris, The discovery of the temple of Isis at Pompeii, buried under pumice and other volcanic matter (1776)Wellcome Library, no. 43680i

The Ottomans

Saturdays 14 August & 21 August, 10.00-12.30

Online via zoom


♫There ain’t no tour in our summertime news…♪*


… in which Joanna revisits her former life