Denizens’ Choice votes are in!
Ladies and gentlemen… The Denizens’ votes for September’s Denizen’s Choice… Are. In.
If you’re reading this on catch-up, please do not vote, as your vote won’t count, and you may still be charged by your phone provider.*
*[Actually, none of that last bit is true. I was just getting into the now-compulsory Announcing The Outcome of A Vote mode. Should you be so inclined, do please still cast a vote, as it will help us to tailor what we offer in January and beyond. And we haven’t got a revenue link to any phone providers. Promise. OK. Back into Announcing The Outcome mode…]
The votes have been counted and verified, and I can reveal…
…that the Denizens’ Choice course for September 2022 is…
[A bit more of a pause to milk the moment for all it’s worth…]
Many thanks indeed to all who voted or sent their preferences via other communication media. We both really appreciate your having taken the time to let us know how best to give you what you want!
My immediate suspicion is that The Venetian Empire is a Very Likely Candidate for January. I shall, of course, continue to monitor what’s making our Denizens’ eyes twinkle.
One of our booking elves. Who may (or may not) be keeping his attention as focussed as it should be….
For now, though, I’m back to the video coalface to work on today’s recordings. Then I have to visit the booking elves, as I fear that they have become somewhat inconsistent in fulfilling their contractual duties in every instance. Then I can turn my attention to replying to your emails. Thank you for bearing with me for a wee while longer…