When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…
AKA When the Northern Powergrid gives you a power cut, make daiquiris.
As Wrightington Towers was suddenly plunged into darkness, nothing daunted, our hero lit many candles, draped the living room with solar-powered fairy lights from the garden, and continued with the task at hand.
“What’s that?” I hear you say, “Is that a candle from the dedicated power-cut supplies drawer, stashed in the 1970s, and not used more than a few times until last night ‘because we don’t want it to run out’?”
“Why yes,” I reply, “Yes of course it is. I see that you have indeed met my husband.”
He was somewhat less chirpy and heroic at 7.30am, when the power finally came back and tripped the burglar alarm…
PS Gratitude and thanks, of course, to the poor souls who were working in the wee hours to fix the problem!